探索与争鸣 ›› 2020, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (5): 124-131.

• 社会与文明 • 上一篇    下一篇

数字劳动的发展与异化 | 人工智能时代的价值危机、资本应对与数字劳动反抗


  • 出版日期:2020-05-24 发布日期:2020-05-24

The Value Crisis, Capital Response and Resistance From Digital Labor in the AI Era

  • Online:2020-05-24 Published:2020-05-24

摘要: 进入人工智能时代,数字化、网络化和智能化融合发展,使得当代资本主义生产方式遭遇前所未有的价值运动危机。在数据革命加持下,资本利用各种算法等数字机器实现对大众生命政治活动的吸纳和人类生活经验的价值化,以不断维系资本主义商品生产的价值构式。面对日益加深的数字奴役和算法操控,劳动对资本的反抗迫切需要制订更加切合实际的斗争策略和反抗路径。而洞悉当代资本主义价值运动及劳资博弈的新变化新趋势,对于促进中国智能经济高质量发展不无实践启迪。中国在发展智能经济中对待数字劳动,尤其要注重数字劳动价值贡献与劳工权益保护,推动数据资产化与完善数据规制,优化资本格局与促进智能经济所有制形式多样化。

关键词: 人工智能, 价值运动, 资本, 数字劳动, 权宜保护

Abstract:  Together with the digitized, networked and intelligentized development, contemporary capitalism has undergone an unprecedented value crisis in the AI era. With the help of data revolution, capital has undertaken real subsumption of the multitude’s bio-political activities and the monetization of human life experiences through digital machines, in order to sustain the value system of capitalist commodity production. In the face of the deepening of digital slavery and algorithm manipulation, labor’s resistance to capital urgently needs to develop more practical strategies and paths of resistance. The insight into the new changes and trends of the capitalist value movement and the labor management game is of practical enlightenment for promoting the high-quality development of China’s intelligent economy.

Key words:  arti?cial intelligence, value motion, capital, digital labor, protection of rights and interests