摘要: 水岸再生与城市更新之间存在着辩证统一的关系。作为城市空间的一种特殊的类型,水岸再生反映了城市发展的规律。水岸再生的特征和原则映射了城市更新的阶段性特征,并反映出城市发展的趋势和价值取向。水岸再生作为城市空间的结构性要素,体现了城市空间中心与边缘、标志与填充、连接与扩展三种关系。水岸再生作为城市空间的策略性要素,它与城市政治、经济、社会、生态、文化、价值等要素紧密相连。
Abstract: There exists a dialectical and unified relationship between waterfront revitalization and urban regeneration. As a special type of urban space, waterfront revitalization reflects certain urban development discipline. In the context of globalization, especially for post-industrial cities, waterfront revitalization turns to be a catalyst-like tool used by cities to transform itself. It explores the relationship between waterfront space and urban overall space by analyzing waterfront as the structural and strategic elements of urban space, trying to reveal that waterfront revitalization has important signi?cance in urban political, economic, social, ecological, cultural and value aspects, in addition to urban material spatial structure.
Key words:
waterfront revitalization,
urban regeneration,
structural elements,
strategic elements,
dialectical relations
丁凡, 伍江. 后全球空间与城市更新 | 城市更新背景下的水岸再生及其意义辨析[J]. 探索与争鸣, 2020(7): 98-106.
Ding Fan & Wu Jiang. Analysis of Waterfront Regeneration and Its Significance Under the Background of Urban Renewal [J]. Exploration and Free Views, 2020(7): 98-106.