算法影子官僚 ,
委托代理 ,
算法不对称 ,
算法权力 ,
In the era of artificial intelligence, algorithms not only improve the performance of public management,
but also bring potential governance risks. Under the domination of business logic, the algorithm company may
implant the algorithm into the public sector in order to create more opportunities for obtaining more financial funds
influences, and then act as the algorithm shadow bureaucrat. The algorithmic shadow bureaucrat expels the public
value, dispels the public power and dominates the public sector with the capital logic, which will seriously deviate
from the human value and hollow the public sector increasingly. The relationship between government and algorithm
shadow bureaucrat is essentially a principal agent relationship. Therefore, to eliminate the potential negative impact
of algorithm shadow bureaucracy on the government, it is very necessary to reduce the algorithm asymmetry and avoid government’s over-reliance on algorithms.
Key words:
algorithm shadow bureaucrat
principal agent
algorithm asymmetric
algorithm power
algorithm order
郑崇明. 算法治理与治理算法 | 警惕公共治理中算法影子官僚的风险[J]. 探索与争鸣, 2021(1): 103-109.
Zheng Chongming.
Be Wary of the Risks of Algorithmic Shadow Bureaucrat in Public Governance
[J]. Exploration and Free Views, 2021(1): 103-109.