内卷化 ,
数字拜物教 ,
商品拜物教 ,
内涵的定量 ,
外延的定量 ,
“Involution”is a sociological term used to describe a specific agricultural production mode of rice, but
it is currently used in a generalized way, generally referring to any social phenomenon of excessive competition.
This generalization is faced with the following theoretical risks. In the original context of the use of“involution”by
sociologists, the overcoming of“involution”is often based on the substitution of market economy for natural economy
as a medium. However, many so-called“involution”phenomena in contemporary society are precisely the derivative
consequences of capital logic operation. Therefore, the correct diagnosis of many so-called ‘involution’ phenomena at
present must adopt another discourse framework. Hegel’s criticism of“digital fetishism”in Logic and Marx’s criticism of“Commodity fetishism”in Capitalism will provide a solid theoretical foundation for this discourse framework.
Key words:
digital fetishism
commodity fetishism
quantification of connotation
quantification of
personality of capital
徐英瑾. 中国社会心态:动向与样态(三) | 数字拜物教:“内卷化”的本质[J]. 探索与争鸣, 2021(3): 57-65.
Xu Yingjin.
Digital Fetishism : The Essence of Involution
[J]. Exploration and Free Views, 2021(3): 57-65.