Abstract: The theory of biopolitics is a kind of political philosophy which criticizes the oppression and harm of power to life and appeals for the liberation of life. It shows a strong practical explanatory power in contemporary society, especially during the epidemic period. However, due to its philosophical nature and critical purport, the theory of biopolitics has limitations in the direct care of life subjectivity, the solution of practical problems and the overall theoretical vision. The theory of life politics is a political narrative with sociological nature based on the choice of individual life style under the condition of high modernity, which directly highlights the existence and morality of individual life under the background of globalization.
Key words:
biopolitics|life politics|modernity|political narration|right to life
沈湘平, 张海满.
[J]. 探索与争鸣, 2021(4): 79-86.
Shen Xiangping & Zhang Haiman.
The Theory of Biopolitics Needs the Deepening of “Life Politics”
[J]. Exploration and Free Views, 2021(4): 79-86.