A new era of technology-intensive campaigning has emerged in the electoral terrain of contemporary
western democracies, where the use of algorithms focusing on voters’data has become the key to determine
the outcome of electoral competition. Algorithmic microtargeting is an electoral tool that is characterized
by the application of cutting-edge information technology to precisely exert political influence on targeted
individual voters. The pivotal technical processes of algorithmic microtargeting, including: the collection
and preprocessing of voter data; voter profiling, pattern recognition and algorithmic prediction; voter micro-
targeting and personalized electoral mobilization. Algorithmic microtargeting is reshaping the political ecology of elections in the west, leading to multiple alienations of electoral democracy.
[J]. 探索与争鸣, 2021(5): 119-130.
Wang Zhongyuan.
How Algorithmic Microtargeting Reshapes Western Elections——Election Alienation and Its Governance in the Era of Advanced Algorithms
[J]. Exploration and Free Views, 2021(5): 119-130.