1978 年“思想解放”迄今,大陆学界自发地、间而未绝地酿成四次“钱锺书热”,无论就其文化辐射面之广,还是持续感动社会时间之长,后三次“钱锺书热”皆不及第一次更值得后世复议。面对 1980 年代红火欲燃的“钱锺书热”,钱锺书因忧其“朝市之显学必成俗学”而喊停。钱学与“俗学”的落差,或许更体现在非知识学水平的、另一能量级的学术史“视野—格局”上。这一“视野—格局”一是须“打通”钱锺书与新中国成立初三十年学术史(即“风气”辨),二是须“打通”钱锺书与 1980 年代所谓“大师”的比较渠道(即“不为师”辨),由此构成复议 1980 年代的学术尺度。只有先弄懂“钱学从哪里来”,方可看懂“钱是谁”。
Since 1978, there have been four “Qian Zhongshu craze” in mainland academic circles spontaneously and occasionally. From the perspective of cultural radiation and the time of moving the society, the last three “Qian Zhongshu craze” are less worthy of reconsideration than the first. In the face of the “Qian
Zhongshu craze” in the 1980s, Qian Zhongshu stopped it, for fear that it would become a vulgar knowledge due to excessive popularity. The gap between them may be more reflected in the “vision pattern” of academic history at a different energy level and at a non-knowledge level. First, it is necessary to “get through” Qian Zhongshu and the academic history of the early 30 years of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, and second, it is necessary to “get through” the comparison channel between Qian Zhongshu and the so-called “master” in the 1980s, which constitutes the academic yardstick for reviewing the 1980s.
Key words:
一百年与二十年:百年中国文学思想史(三)|1980 年代“钱锺书热”复议——“但开风气不为师”辨
[J]. 探索与争鸣, 2022(12): 150-162.
Xia Zhongyi.
Reconsideration of the “Qian Zhongshu Craze” in the 1980s: On “Creating a Climate and Not Being a Teacher”
[J]. Exploration and Free Views, 2022(12): 150-162.