In order to solve the blocking behaviors implemented by internet platforms, China’s regulatory
agencies put forward the requirements of“interconnection”. In the anti-monopoly law, the interconnection
is reflected in the interoperability obligation of the platform, which is the basic path to solve the problem of
blocking behaviors, and also helps to reduce the barriers to entry that network effects can create, so it will
enhance the market competition in the digital economy. In the traditional anti-monopoly law system, the reject
of interconnection may belong to a refusal-to-deal which in turn constitutes the abuse of market dominance.
However, the interconnection of refusal-to-deal is premised on the relationship between the two sides, and is
subject to a series of strict conditions in the anti-monopoly law. Based on this, the EU and the United States
have also tried to introduce a new type of prior regulatory tool, that is, enacting new laws, and establishing
interconnection as a statutory obligation of large internet platforms. The pre-prior regulatory tool has strong
determinism, avoiding many difficulties of the application traditional antitrust law in digital economy, and
also combines a full-term supervision of internet platforms with afterward punishment. The implementation
of the pre-regulatory tools requires cooperation between anti-monopoly agencies and regulators, and it is also
necessary to design the reasonable technical and procedures to ensure that the large platforms are truly fulfilled their obligations of interconnection under supervision.