Ah Q gives Mr. Qian three titles: one is “Bogus Foreign Devil”, a gag; one is “Traitor in Foreign Pay”, a crime; and one is “Baldhead! Ass”, a curse. But historically, researchers only pay attention to the first title, the last two brush off or avoid talking about. In fact, the second title has rich connotations. It is a collective imaginary formed in the folklore under the influence of “traitor” discourse, anti-foreigner movement and Boxer Rebellion at the end of the Qing Dynasty, and it is also related to the position and attitude of Ah Q himself. Calling Mr. Qian a “Traitor in Foreign Pay” in no way implies that Ah Q has a patriotic heart. His insults to Mr. Qian are nothing but empty references, a rehashed phrase that is far from the meaning of the sentence itself. forms an ironic ideographic system.
Key words:
Lu Xun,
Ah Q,
“bogus foreign devil”,
“traitor in foreign pay”
张全之, 金智贤.
·一百年与二十年:百年中国文学思想史(七)·|·重释鲁迅:在传统与现代之间·|“假洋鬼子”·“里通外国的人” ·“秃儿。驴”——也谈《阿Q正传》中的“假洋鬼子”[J]. 探索与争鸣, 2023(12): 135-141.
Zhang Quanzhi & Kim Jihyun.
“Bogus Foreign Devil” “Traitor in Foreign Pay” “Baldhead! Ass”:“Bogus Foreign Devil”in“The True Story of Ah Q”[J]. Exploration and Free Views, 2023(12): 135-141.