探索与争鸣 ›› 2024, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (8): 119-128.

• 社会与文明 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-08-20 发布日期:2024-09-19
  • 作者简介:南京市社会科学院城市发展研究所研究员。(南京 210018)
  • 基金资助:

Developing New Quality Productive Forces According to Local Conditions:The Dimension of Regional Coordinated Development

Wu Haijin

  • Online:2024-08-20 Published:2024-09-19

摘要: 因地制宜发展新质生产力涉及产业、科技、人口等多重向度,区域发展从空间维度见证了我国生产力发展实践的演进,是洞察中国特色社会主义生产力理论创新的重要视角,更是因地制宜发展新质生产力的关键环节。探寻新质生产力区域协调发展的科学理据和价值意蕴,有助于从学理和实践两个层面构建新质生产力与区域发展的共生关系,推动由传统要素组合形成的传统发展模式向新的要素组合及新发展模式转变。区域发展的非均衡性是推进中国式现代化所面临的主要矛盾,也是发展新质生产力所面临的最大独特性。当前科技革命性突破和产业深度调整加剧了区域新极化趋势和生产力水平纵深式分化,直接影响到新质生产力的培育和全局性生产力水平的进步。因此,应基于不同地区的资源禀赋,统筹规划并优化新质生产力的空间布局,形成高水平的新质生产力定制化培育方案和差别化推进路径,促进区域协调发展。



Developing new quality productive forces according to local conditions involves multiple dimensions such as industry, technology, population and so on. Regional development witnesses the evolution of China’s productive forces development practice from a spatial dimension, and is an important perspective for exploring the theoretical innovation of socialist productive forces with Chinese characteristics, it is also a key link in developing new quality productive forces according to local conditions. Exploring the scientific basis and value implications for the coordinated development of new quality productive forces based on local conditions can help to construct a symbiotic relationship between new quality productive forces and regional development from both theoretical and practical perspectives, and promote the transformation of traditional development models formed by the combination of factors into new combinations and new development models. The imbalance of regional development is the main contradiction and important reason that China faces in promoting Chinese path to modernization, and it is also the biggest uniqueness of developing new quality productive forces. The current technological revolutionary breakthroughs and deep industrial adjustments have intensified the trend of regional polarization and deep differentiation,directly affecting the cultivation of new quality productivity and the progress of global productivity levels. It is necessary to arrange and optimize the spatial pattern of new quality productive forces for different regions with different endowments, forming high-level customized cultivation plans and differentiated promotion paths for new quality productive forces, and promoting coordinated regional development.

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