探索与争鸣 ›› 2024, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (8): 46-56.

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  • 出版日期:2024-08-20 发布日期:2024-09-18
  • 作者简介:韩克庆,中国社会科学院社会发展战略研究院研究员。(北京 100732) 赵晰,中国人民大学社会学院讲师、中国人民大学北京社会建设研究基地研究员。(北京 100872)
  • 基金资助:
    国家社会科学基金重点项目“促进全体人民共同富裕背景下社会政策体系创新发展研究” (23ASH003)

Institution Derivation or Subjectivity Driven: Categories of Welfare Dependency based on Urban Dibao Families with Work Capacity in China

Han Keqing & Zhao Xi

  • Online:2024-08-20 Published:2024-09-18

摘要: 福利依赖是各国福利政策共同关注的重要议题,具有多维内涵表现。“中国城乡困难家庭社会政策支持系统建设”城市调查数据和主客观多维指标的聚类分析显示,城市有劳动能力的低保对象存在长期性、持续性受助依赖现象,但低保家庭多数并不存在零就业的情况。福利依赖整体上体现在制度设计层面而非个体行为层面。城市低保家庭的福利依赖主要表现为六种类型,包括主观依赖型、长期依赖型、持续依赖型、典型依赖型、短期依赖型、深度依赖型。为应对制度衍生性福利依赖,政策部门可从制度建设上着力优化,推动低保制度的减负松绑,建立定期轮换制度,提高低保对象的工作能动性。



The issue of welfare dependency has raised worldwide concern in social welfare policy domain. Using the national-representative survey data of “Social Support System for Impoverished Households in Urban China”, descriptive statistics based on objective and subjective indicators revealed that welfare dependency exists in terms of long-term and continuous social assistance recipience in urban Dibao families, but most of the Dibao families with work capacity do not exhibit the non-employment characteristic. This indicates that welfare dependency mainly manifests in the policy institutional arrangement rather than individual behavior. The welfare dependence of urban Dibao families mainly manifests in six types, including subjective dependence, long-term dependence, sustained dependence, typical dependence, short-term dependence, and deep dependence. In response to the welfare dependency, policymakers might consider optimizing the social assistance system by unbinding Dibao from other assistance programs, establishing a regular rotation system, and enhancing the work initiative of Dibao recipients.

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