探索与争鸣 ›› 2024, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (8): 57-82.

• 学术争鸣 • 上一篇    下一篇



  • 出版日期:2024-08-20 发布日期:2024-09-18

The “New Liberal Arts” between the Old and New Systems: A Discussion Using “Cultural Studies” as an Example

Wang Xiaoming & Luo Xiaoming & Zhang Chun & Li Pengfei

  • Online:2024-08-20 Published:2024-09-18

摘要: 与中国社会近四十年的巨大变化相比,我们的文科对这些变化的反应是明显迟钝的。举个例子,目前通行的教育部学科分类目录中,依然看不到像“性别研究”“都市研究”和“文化研究”这样一些在全球早已规模甚大、相当成熟的学科。不要以为这只是学科名目更新的滞后,当实际的社会形态的变化已经如此巨大而深刻,迫切需要大批研究者及时对其展开广泛和深入分析时,在一个像我们这样习惯于按照学科规制来做事的学术领域里,学科名录的这种缺乏更新其实意味着,至少我们的很大一部分学术和思想活动是与社会现实存在脱节的。更不用说,就像理工科的进步不足,必然会拖累文科的进步一样,文科的颟顸迟钝,也一定会深刻地拖累理工科发展。我甚至觉得,广义的文科在履行它对社会进步的学术和思想责任这一方面的明显孱弱,是从一个角度暴露了另一个范围更大的问题 :今天中国的文化状况,是不是正在拖整个社会进步的后腿?我们文科的这种现状及其社会后果,自然会引起整个社会的警觉。且不说社会各界这些年日益尖锐的批评,也不说众多文科学者自身的不满,单是从 21 世纪第一个十年至今,教育主管部门多次发布建设“新文科”的要求,就已经将对于文科现状的不满和期待表达得非常明确了。

的进步来有力地履行文科对于社会进步的知识和思想责任,这才是“新文科”之“新”的基本含义吧。事实上,仅仅从经济或者科技的视角来理解社会对于“新文科”的迫切需求,或认为文科的“新”就在于从譬如数码化的角度来配合经济和科技发展的需要,这本身就从反面确证了“新文科”为什么如此重要 :正是因为缺乏基本的人文知识和素养,不能理解新的社会形态早已对文科进步形成新的需求,我们才会将“新文科”的“新”理解得这么狭隘吧。


我们不但要重新思考大问题,更要将对大问题的新答案落实为应对现实社会及世界事务的新思路 :如果这么来理解“新文科”的“新”,那就很显然,这个“新”的基本含义,是不可能靠仅仅出台几份文件来实现的,而是要由全体文科学人通过切实的努力,一步一步地填充和夯实的。
如果这么来看,有一件事情就值得认真做了 :“新文科”的要求已经提出了多年,我们的大学文科在这方面究竟做得如何?比如说,在把握和回答那些大问题上,我们形成了哪些新的思路?最近十多年来,大学文科的学术和教学制度有了一系列新的变化,这些变化又对“新文科”的建设起了什么样的作用?类似的值得检讨的事项可以列出许多,但我们的这一组文章,却选择先来检讨其中的一个问题 :这些年大学文科制度的新变化与“新文科”的建设目标,实际形成了怎样的关系?

之所以选择这个问题,是因为有了一个契机 :这组文章的作者所属的文化研究学科(Cultural Studies),从 2001 年建立中国当代文化研究中心(Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies),到 2005年建立文化研究系(Program in Cultural Studies), 再到 2010 年设立文化研究的硕士点和博士点,已经走过了二十年。 从教学到研究,从纸面出版到网络平台建设,从参与社会良性文化的实地建设,到开展多方面的国际合作,我们有了许多正向的积累,也有不少不成功的教训 :二十年的时间,真是很长了。
这也许是我的偏见 :以“当代性”“跨学科性”和“批判性”为醒目特征的“文化研究”,是一种正切合“新文科”要求的知识和思想活动,因此,上海大学文化研究学科二十年的发展经历,正构成了一个检讨上述问题的恰当的标本。我还认为,在今天这样的文化情势下,对“不成功的教训”的检讨,是比对“正向的积累”的陈列更为重要的 :在努力回应社会需求的道路上,我们的文科还
尽管如此,这一组文章实际触及的有关大学、文科学术、教师和学生等的问题还是相当多面,并不单一的。由此展开的分析和判断,也多有值得介绍的部分。但限于篇幅,这里只能先报告一下四篇文章的一个共同的结论 :最近十多年,在我们的大学里普遍展开的这一套覆盖教学、研究和人事管理的新的学术制度,虽然有值得理解的成因,有的部分也能起到不错的作用,但整体而言,它与“新文科”所指的方向多有不合,甚至有南辕北辙、彼此冲突之处,因此,它需要尽快得到足够的检讨和改正。


Compared to the tremendous changes in Chinese society over the past forty years, the humanities have been noticeably slow to respond to these changes. For example, in the current widely used discipline classification catalog of the Ministry of Education, there are still no disciplines such as “genderstudies” “urban studies” and  “cultural studies”, which are already large and mature globally. Don’t think that this is just a lag in updating discipline names. When the actual social changes have become huge and profound, and there is an urgent need for a large number of researchers to conduct extensive and in-depth analysis in a timely manner, in an academic field like ours that is accustomed to doing things according to discipline regulations, the lack of updates in discipline lists actually means that at least a large part of our academic and ideological activities are seriously disconnected from social reality. Not to mention, just as the lack of progress in science and engineering will inevitably hinder the progress of humanities, the sluggishness of humanities will also profoundly hinder the development of science and engineering. I even think that the obvious weakness of the broad liberal arts in fulfilling its academic and ideological responsibilities for social progress exposes a larger issue from one perspective: Is the cultural situation in China today seriously dragging down the entire social progress?

The current situation of our humanities and its social consequences will naturally raise awareness throughout society. Our humanities must quickly change the current situation of being slow to respond to social changes and weak, and fulfill the knowledge and ideological responsibility of humanities for social progress through their own progress. This is the basic meaning of “new” in the “new humanities”. In fact, understanding the urgent need for a “new liberal arts” in the context of social growth solely from an economic or technological perspective, or believing that the “new” of liberal arts lies in meeting the needs of economic and technological development from a digital perspective, itself confirms why the “new liberal arts” are so important: it is precisely because of the lack of basic humanistic knowledge and literacy that we cannot understand the new social form that has already formed a new demand for the progress of liberal arts, that we have such a narrow understanding of the “new” of the “new liberal arts”.

The reason for choosing this question is because there was an opportunity: Cultural Studies discipline ofShanghai University, to which the authors of this group of articles belong, has gone through twenty years since the establishment of the Center for Contemporary Cultural Studies in 2001, the establishment of the Program in Cultural Studies in 2005, and the establishment of master’s and doctoral programs in cultural studies in 2010. From teaching to research, from paper publishing to online platform construction, from participating in the on-site construction of a positive culture in society, to carrying out international cooperation in various aspects, we have accumulated manypositive experiences, as well as many unsuccessful lessons. This set of articles actually touches on a wide range of issues related to universities, academic humanities, teachers, and students is not singular. The analysis and judgment that unfolds from this also have many parts worth introducing.