从美国拜登政府离任前再发 AI 芯片禁令,到多国对 DeepSeek 使用设限,人工智能的高速发展与全球治理时常处于某种“悖离”状态。作为一种全球公共产品,人工智能的未来发展存在哪些系统风险?人工智能的全球治理面临哪些现实挑战?我们需要破除怎样的认识盲域?又需要切换怎样的研究视角?中国参与人工智能全球治理的核心和进路何在?基于这些问题,本期在 2024年上海市社会科学界联合会主办的“人工智能新进展与社会科学的未来”论坛研讨基础上,特邀清华大学教授薛澜、弗吉尼亚理工大学教授劳拉·赞诺蒂、科大讯飞联合创始人胡郁撰稿,推出“人工智能的全球治理 :挑战与进路”专题笔谈,助推人工智能与社会科学的双向赋能。
From the Biden administration’s reissuance of the AI chip ban before leaving office to the restrictions on the use of DeepSeek by many countries, the rapid development of artificial intelligence andglobal governance often seem to be in a state of “divergence”. As a global public good, what are the systemicrisks associated with the future development of artificial intelligence? What are the practical challenges facingglobal governance of artificial intelligence? What cognitive blind spots need to be broken through and what research perspectives need to be shifted? What are the core focuses and pathways for China’s participation in the global governance of artificial intelligence? Based on these issues, we invite professor Xue Lan fromTsinghua University, professor Laura Zanotti from Virginia Tech, and Hu Yu, co-founder of iFLYTEK, to launch a special topic on “Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Pathways”. The aim is to promote mutual empowerment between artificial intelligence and social sciences.
薛澜, 劳拉·赞诺蒂, 胡郁.
[J]. 探索与争鸣, 2025(1): 108-121.
Xue Lan & Laura Zanotti & Hu Yu. Global Governance of Artificial Intelligence: Challenges and Pathways[J]. Exploration and Free Views, 2025(1): 108-121.